arxiv.org Neutral Host Small Cell Providers (SCP) represent a key element of the 5G vision of ultra-dense mobile networks. However, current business models mostly focus on multi-year agreements for large venues, such as stadiums and hotel …
arxiv.org IoT devices have been adopted widely in the last decade which enabled collection of various data from different environments. The collected data is crucial in certain applications where IoT devices generate data for critical infr…
Satellite Broadcasting Enabled Blockchain Protocol: A Preliminary Study 「衛星放送可能なブロックチェーンプロトコル:予備的研究」
Low throughput has been the biggest obstacle of large-scale blockchain applications. During the past few years, researchers have proposed various schemes to improve the systems' throughput. However, due to the inherent inefficiency and def…
arxiv.org The popularization of blockchains leads to a resurgence of interest in Byzantine Fault-Tolerant (BFT) state machine replication protocols. However, much of the work on this topic focuses on the underlying consensus protocols, wit…
Real-Time Energy Monitoring in IoT-enabled Mobile Devices arxiv.org With rapid advancements in the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm, electrical devices in the near future is expected to have IoT capabilities. This enables fine-grained tra…