Published at 2023/05/01 04:10:08 (JST)
Breaking Blockchain Rationality with Out-of-Band Collusion
Blockchain systems often rely on rationality assumptions for their security, expecting that nodes are motivated to maximize their profits. These systems thus design their protocols to incentivize nodes to execute the honest protocol but fail to consider out-of-band collusion. Existing works analyzing rationality assumptions are limited in their scope, either by focusing on a specific protocol or relying on non-existing financial instruments. We propose a general rational attack on rationality by leveraging an external channel that incentivizes nodes to collude against the honest protocol. Our approach involves an attacker creating an out-of-band bribery smart contract to motivate nodes to double-spend their transactions in exchange for shares in the attacker's profits. We provide a game theory model to prove that any rational node is incentivized to follow the malicious protocol. We discuss our approach to attacking the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains, demonstrating that irrational behavior can be rational in real-world blockchain systems when analyzing rationality in a larger ecosystem. We conclude that rational assumptions only appear to make the system more secure and offer a false sense of security under the flawed analysis.
Published at 2023/04/30 11:11:35 (JST)
MetaShard: A Novel Sharding Blockchain Platform for Metaverse Applications
Due to its security, transparency, and flexibility in verifying virtual assets, blockchain has been identified as one of the key technologies for Metaverse. Unfortunately, blockchain-based Metaverse faces serious challenges such as massive resource demands, scalability, and security concerns. To address these issues, this paper proposes a novel sharding-based blockchain framework, namely MetaShard, for Metaverse applications. Particularly, we first develop an effective consensus mechanism, namely Proof-of-Engagement, that can incentivize MUs' data and computing resource contribution. Moreover, to improve the scalability of MetaShard, we propose an innovative sharding management scheme to maximize the network's throughput while protecting the shards from 51% attacks. Since the optimization problem is NP-complete, we develop a hybrid approach that decomposes the problem (using the binary search method) into sub-problems that can be solved effectively by the Lagrangian method. As a result, the proposed approach can obtain solutions in polynomial time, thereby enabling flexible shard reconfiguration and reducing the risk of corruption from the adversary. Extensive numerical experiments show that, compared to the state-of-the-art commercial solvers, our proposed approach can achieve up to 66.6% higher throughput in less than 1/30 running time. Moreover, the proposed approach can achieve global optimal solutions in most experiments.
Published at 2023/04/30 03:02:03 (JST)
Decentralised Identity Federations using Blockchain
フェデレーテッド ID 管理は、サービスプロバイダとユーザに経済的利益と利便性を提供することで、その価値を証明してきた。このようなフェデレーションでは、ID プロバイダ(IdP)は、サービスプロバイダのリソースへのアクセスを要求するユーザのクレデンシャルを管理し、アサーションを生成する責任を負う唯一のエンティティである。このため、IdPは集中管理され、フェデレーションの単一障害点となり、フェデレーションが壊滅的なダメージを受ける可能性がある。本論文は、IDフェデレーションを確立するための分散型システムの設計と実装における我々の努力を紹介する。フェデレーションにおけるIdPを分散化する試みにおいて、提案システムはブロックチェーン技術に依存し、それによって既存のIDフェデレーションの単一障害点の欠点を緩和している。本論文では、システムの設計と開発のさまざまな側面を探り、そのプロトコルフローを提示し、その性能を分析し、最先端の形式的プロトコル検証ツールであるProVerifを用いてその安全性を評価する。
Federated Identity Management has proven its worth by offering economic benefits and convenience to Service Providers and users alike. In such federations, the Identity Provider (IdP) is the solitary entity responsible for managing user credentials and generating assertions for the users, who are requesting access to a service provider's resource. This makes the IdP centralised and exhibits a single point of failure for the federation, making the federation prone to catastrophic damages. The paper presents our effort in designing and implementing a decentralised system in establishing an identity federation. In its attempt to decentralise the IdP in the federation, the proposed system relies on blockchain technology, thereby mitigating the single point of failure shortcoming of existing identity federations. The system is designed using a set of requirements In this article, we explore different aspects of designing and developing the system, present its protocol flow, analyse its performance, and evaluate its security using ProVerif, a state-of-the-art formal protocol verification tool.
Published at 2023/05/09 02:18:50 (JST)
The Rise of Rationality in Blockchain Dynamics
Taking informed decisions, namely acting rationally, is an individual attitude of paramount relevance in nature and human societies. In this work, we study how rationality spreads in a community. To this end, through an agent-based model, we analyse the dynamics of a population whose individuals, endowed with a rational attitude controlled by a numerical parameter, play a simple game. The latter consists of multiple strategies, each associated with a given reward. The proposed model is then used as a benchmark for studying the behaviour of Bitcoin users, inferred by analysing transactions recorded in the Blockchain. Remarkably, a population undergoing a sharp transition from irrational to rational attitudes shows a behavioural pattern similar to that of Bitcoin users, whose rationality showed up as soon as their cryptocurrency became worth just a few cents (USD). To conclude, a behavioural analysis that relies on an entropy measure combined with a simple agent-based model allows us to detect the rise of rationality across a community. Although further investigations are essential to corroborate our results, we deem the proposed approach could also get used for studying other social phenomena and behaviours.
Published at 2023/05/08 23:17:27 (JST)
PBL: System for Creating and Maintaining Personal Blockchain Ledgers
Blockchain technology has experienced substantial growth in recent years, yet the diversity of blockchain applications has been limited. Blockchain provides many desirable features for applications, including being append-only, immutable, tamper-evident, tamper-resistant, and fault-tolerant; however, many applications that would benefit from these features cannot incorporate current blockchains. This work presents a novel architecture for creating and maintaining personal blockchain ledgers that address these concerns. Our system utilizes independent modular services, enabling individuals to securely store their data in a personal blockchain ledger. Unlike traditional blockchain, which stores all transactions of multiple users, our novel personal blockchains are designed to allow individuals to maintain their privacy without requiring extensive technical expertise. Using rigorous mathematical methods, we prove that our system produces append-only, immutable, tamper-evident, tamper-resistant ledgers. Our system addresses use cases not addressed by traditional blockchain development platforms. Our system creates a new blockchain paradigm, enabling more individuals and applications to leverage blockchain technology for their needs.
Published at 2023/05/08 16:14:50 (JST)
Blockchained Federated Learning for Internet of Things: A Comprehensive Survey
現代社会のデジタル化・知能化の進展に伴い、ビッグデータに基づく知的産業やスマートサービスへの需要が急速に高まっています。本調査では、ブロックチェーンとFederated Learningの両方の利点を結合し、需要に対して安全で効率的なソリューションを提供するBlockchained Federated Learning (BlockFL) を包括的に検討します。4つのInternet-of-Things(IoT)アプリケーションシナリオにおいて、既存のBlockFLモデルを比較します:パーソナルIoT(PIoT)、インダストリアルIoT(IIoT)、車両インターネット(IoV)、健康モノインターネット(IoHT)において、セキュリティとプライバシー、信頼と信用、効率、データの異質性に焦点を当てます。分析の結果、分散化と透明性という特徴から、BlockFLは分散モデルトレーニングのための安全で効果的なソリューションである一方、オーバーヘッドと互換性についてはまださらなる研究が必要であることがわかりました。また、プライバシー、リソース制約、データの異質性など、特定されたいくつかの共通課題に加え、IoVにおける動的環境への対応要求、IoHTにおけるアイデンティティと権限管理の高い要求など、各ドメインが独自の課題を提示していることが明らかになりました。さらに、BlockFLに有益な既存技術を検討することで、研究者や実務家が様々なIoTアプリケーションシナリオに向けたBlockFLの選択と開発について、情報に基づいた意思決定を行えるようにすることを目的としています。
The demand for intelligent industries and smart services based on big data is rising rapidly with the increasing digitization and intelligence of the modern world. This survey comprehensively reviews Blockchained Federated Learning (BlockFL) that joins the benefits of both Blockchain and Federated Learning to provide a secure and efficient solution for the demand. We compare the existing BlockFL models in four Internet-of-Things (IoT) application scenarios: Personal IoT (PIoT), Industrial IoT (IIoT), Internet of Vehicles (IoV), and Internet of Health Things (IoHT), with a focus on security and privacy, trust and reliability, efficiency, and data heterogeneity. Our analysis shows that the features of decentralization and transparency make BlockFL a secure and effective solution for distributed model training, while the overhead and compatibility still need further study. It also reveals the unique challenges of each domain presents unique challenges, e.g., the requirement of accommodating dynamic environments in IoV and the high demands of identity and permission management in IoHT, in addition to some common challenges identified, such as privacy, resource constraints, and data heterogeneity. Furthermore, we examine the existing technologies that can benefit BlockFL, thereby helping researchers and practitioners to make informed decisions about the selection and development of BlockFL for various IoT application scenarios.
Published at 2023/05/08 05:32:19 (JST)
Stackelberg Attacks or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Trust the Blockchain
我々は、エージェント自身がスマートコントラクトを展開する可能性があるという事実に起因する、スマートコントラクトの設計に影響を与える微妙なセキュリティ問題を特定する。一般に、ゲームの均衡は、プレイヤーが任意に戦略を約束できないという仮定の下、試験管内で分析される。しかし、この方法で得られた均衡は、ゲームがブロックチェーン上に展開された場合、一般に生体内では成立しない。サイドコントラクトを展開できることで、メタゲーム、具体的には複数のコミットメントを持つスタッケルベルグゲームが誘発され、エージェントは最適なコントラクトを展開するために戦略を立てることで、ゲーム理論の基本的な仮定が変更されます。このようなコミットメント能力を考慮しないことは、スマートコントラクトを実際に展開する際の重要な側面を捉えることができない。エージェントがコントラクトを展開できるときに安全性を保つゲームは、スタッケルベルグ・レジリエントと呼ばれる。我々は、Stackelberg resilienceが完全情報の任意の2人ゲームについて効率的に計算できることを示し、一般的には計算が困難であることを明らかにする。あるゲームがStackelberg $k$-resilient、つまり$k$の契約があるときにresilientであるならば、より少ない契約数でもresilientであることを示す。我々は、文献にある分散型商取引のための2つのスマートコントラクトを分析することで、サイドコントラクトの弾力性が自明でないことを実証する。これらの契約は同じ機能を持つが、1つだけがStackelberg resilientであることを示す。 我々の研究は、スマートコントラクトの安全な展開を確保するために取り組むべき問題を浮き彫りにし、主要なブロックチェーンに既に展開されている他のコントラクトがこれらの攻撃を受けやすい可能性を示唆している。
We identify a subtle security issue that impacts the design of smart contracts caused by the fact that agents may themselves deploy smart contracts. Typically, equilibria of games are analyzed in vitro, under the assumption that players cannot arbitrarily commit to strategies. However, equilibria obtained in this fashion do not hold in general in vivo, when games are deployed on a blockchain. Being able to deploy side contracts changes fundamental game-theoretic assumptions by inducing a meta-game, specifically a Stackelberg game with multiple commitments, wherein agents strategize to deploy the best contracts. Not taking these commitment capabilities into account thus fails to capture an important aspect of deploying smart contracts in practice. A game that remains secure when the agents can deploy contracts is said to be Stackelberg resilient. We show that Stackelberg resilience can be computed efficiently for any two-player game of perfect information and show that it is hard to compute in general. We show that if a game is Stackelberg $k$-resilient, that is, resilient when there are $k$ contracts, it is also resilient when there are fewer contracts. We demonstrate the non-triviality of side contract resilience by analyzing two smart contracts for decentralized commerce from the literature. These contracts have the same intended functionality, but we show that only one is Stackelberg resilient. Our work highlights an issue that is necessary to address to ensure the secure deployment of smart contracts and suggests that other contracts already deployed on major blockchains may be susceptible to these attacks.
Published at 2023/05/06 23:21:41 (JST)
A Blockchain-based Platform for Reliable Inference and Training of Large-Scale Models
As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to permeate various domains, concerns surrounding trust and transparency in AI-driven inference and training processes have emerged, particularly with respect to potential biases and traceability challenges. Decentralized solutions such as blockchain have been proposed to tackle these issues, but they often struggle when dealing with large-scale models, leading to time-consuming inference and inefficient training verification. To overcome these limitations, we introduce BRAIN, a Blockchain-based Reliable AI Network, a novel platform specifically designed to ensure reliable inference and training of large models. BRAIN harnesses a unique two-phase transaction mechanism, allowing real-time processing via pipelining by separating request and response transactions. Each randomly-selected inference committee commits and reveals the inference results, and upon reaching an agreement through a smart contract, then the requested operation is executed using the consensus result. Additionally, BRAIN carries out training by employing a randomly-selected training committee. They submit commit and reveal transactions along with their respective scores, enabling local model aggregation based on the median value of the scores. Experimental results demonstrate that BRAIN delivers considerably higher inference throughput at reasonable gas fees. In particular, BRAIN's tasks-per-second performance is 454.4293 times greater than that of a naive single-phase implementation.
Published at 2023/05/06 13:56:45 (JST)
An Overview of AI and Blockchain Integration for Privacy-Preserving
With the widespread attention and application of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technologies, privacy protection techniques arising from their integration are of notable significance. In addition to protecting privacy of individuals, these techniques also guarantee security and dependability of data. This paper initially presents an overview of AI and blockchain, summarizing their combination along with derived privacy protection technologies. It then explores specific application scenarios in data encryption, de-identification, multi-tier distributed ledgers, and k-anonymity methods. Moreover, the paper evaluates five critical aspects of AI-blockchain-integration privacy protection systems, including authorization management, access control, data protection, network security, and scalability. Furthermore, it analyzes the deficiencies and their actual cause, offering corresponding suggestions. This research also classifies and summarizes privacy protection techniques based on AI-blockchain application scenarios and technical schemes. In conclusion, this paper outlines the future directions of privacy protection technologies emerging from AI and blockchain integration, including enhancing efficiency and security to achieve a more comprehensive privacy protection of privacy.
Published at 2023/05/06 11:15:00 (JST)
Rateless Coded Blockchain for Dynamic IoT Networks
A key constraint that limits the implementation of blockchain in Internet of Things (IoT) is its large storage requirement resulting from the fact that each blockchain node has to store the entire blockchain. This increases the burden on blockchain nodes, and increases the communication overhead for new nodes joining the network since they have to copy the entire blockchain. In order to reduce storage requirements without compromising on system security and integrity, coded blockchains, based on error correcting codes with fixed rates and lengths, have been recently proposed. This approach, however, does not fit well with dynamic IoT networks in which nodes actively leave and join. In such dynamic blockchains, the existing coded blockchain approaches lead to high communication overheads for new joining nodes and may have high decoding failure probability. This paper proposes a rateless coded blockchain with coding parameters adjusted to network conditions. Our goals are to minimize both the storage requirement at each blockchain node and the communication overhead for each new joining node, subject to a target decoding failure probability. We evaluate the proposed scheme in the context of real-world Bitcoin blockchain and show that both storage and communication overhead are reduced by 99.6\% with a maximum $10^{-12}$ decoding failure probability.
Published at 2023/05/05 23:59:30 (JST)
Development of an Hybrid Blockchain and NoSQL Platform to Improve Data Management
Blockchain technology is a Distributed Ledger Technology mainly used to store information in an immutable and secure way, but scalability and throughput issues are major challenges. Integration of the NoSQL paradigm within a Blockchain pipeline enhances throughput and scalability, and it can handle both on-chain and off-chain data. This work aims to study which approaches are currently used to integrate a NoSQL database in a Blockchain architecture, how the advantages of both technologies can be exploited to enhance the system's capabilities, and to propose a novel hybrid architecture that mixes Blockchain and NoSQL characteristics.
Published at 2023/05/05 22:56:01 (JST)
A context-aware multiple Blockchain architecture for managing low memory devices
Blockchain technology constitutes a paradigm shift in the way we conceive distributed architectures. A Blockchain system lets us build platforms where data are immutable and tamper-proof, with some constraints on the throughput and the amount of memory required to store the ledger. This paper aims to solve the issue of memory and performance requirements developing a multiple Blockchain architecture that mixes the benefits deriving from a public and a private Blockchain. This kind of approach enables small sensors - with memory and performance constraints - to join the network without worrying about the amount of data to store. The development is proposed following a context-aware approach, to make the architecture scalable and easy to use in different scenarios.
Published at 2023/05/05 22:41:18 (JST)
Blockchain for smart cities improvement: an architecture proposal
The combination between innovative topics and emerging technologies lets researchers define new processes and models. New needs regard the definition of modular and scalable approaches, with society and environment in mind. An important topic to focus on is the smart city one. The use of emerging technologies lets smart cities develop new processes to improve services offered from various actors, either industries or government. Smart cities were born to improve quality of life for citizens. To reach this goal, various approaches have been proposed, but they lack on a common interface to let each stakeholder communicate in a simple and fast way. This paper shows the proposal of an architecture to overcome the actual limitations of smart cities: it uses Blockchain technology as a distributed database to let everyone join the network and feel part of a community. Blockchain can improve processes development for smart cities. Scalability is granted thanks to a context-aware approach: applications do not need to know about the back-end implementation, they just need to adapt to an interface. With Blockchain, it is possible to collect data anonymously to make some statistical analysis, to access public records to ensure security in the city and to guarantee the origin of products and energy.
Published at 2023/05/09 23:26:55 (JST)
What are the optimal times for an Internet of Things (IoT) device to act as a blockchain miner? The aim is to minimize the energy consumed by low-power IoT devices that log their data into a secure (tamper-proof) distributed ledger. We formulate the energy-efficient blockchain mining for IoT devices as a multiple-stopping time partially observed Markov decision process (POMDP) to maximize the probability of adding a block in the blockchain; we also present a model to optimize the number of stops (mining instants). In general, POMDPs are computationally intractable to solve, but we show mathematically using submodularity that the optimal mining policy has a useful structure: 1) it is monotone in belief space, and 2) it exhibits a threshold structure, which divides the belief space into two connected sets. Exploiting the structural results, we formulate a computationally-efficient linear mining policy for the blockchain-enabled IoT device. We present a policy gradient technique to optimize the parameters of the linear mining policy. Finally, we use synthetic and real Bitcoin datasets to study the performance of our proposed mining policy. We demonstrate the energy efficiency achieved by the optimal linear mining policy in contrast to other heuristic strategies.
ブロックチェーンを活用したInternet of Thingsにおける攻撃存在下での分散型検知について
Published at 2023/05/09 07:17:17 (JST)
Distributed Detection over Blockchain-aided Internet of Things in the Presence of Attacks
Distributed detection over a blockchain-aided Internet of Things (BIoT) network in the presence of attacks is considered, where the integrated blockchain is employed to secure data exchanges over the BIoT as well as data storage at the agents of the BIoT. We consider a general adversary model where attackers jointly exploit the vulnerability of IoT devices and that of the blockchain employed in the BIoT. The optimal attacking strategy which minimizes the Kullback-Leibler divergence is pursued. It can be shown that this optimization problem is nonconvex, and hence it is generally intractable to find the globally optimal solution to such a problem. To overcome this issue, we first propose a relaxation method that can convert the original nonconvex optimization problem into a convex optimization problem, and then the analytic expression for the optimal solution to the relaxed convex optimization problem is derived. The optimal value of the relaxed convex optimization problem provides a detection performance guarantee for the BIoT in the presence of attacks. In addition, we develop a coordinate descent algorithm which is based on a capped water-filling method to solve the relaxed convex optimization problem, and moreover, we show that the convergence of the proposed coordinate descent algorithm can be guaranteed.
Published at 2023/05/10 17:38:14 (JST)
Transaction Confirmation in Coded Blockchain
As blockchains continue to seek to scale to a larger number of nodes, the communication complexity of protocols has become a significant priority as the network can quickly become overburdened. Several schemes have attempted to address this, one of which uses coded computation to lighten the load. Here we seek to address one issue with all such coded blockchain schemes known to the authors: transaction confirmation. In a coded blockchain, only the leader has access to the uncoded block, while the nodes receive encoded data that makes it effectively impossible for them to identify which transactions were included in the block. As a result, a Byzantine leader might choose not to notify a sender or receiver of a transaction that the transaction went into the block, and even with an honest leader, they would not be able to produce a proof of a transaction's inclusion. To address this, we have constructed a protocol to send the nodes enough information so that a client sending or receiving a transaction is guaranteed to not only be notified but also to receive a proof of that transaction's inclusion in the block. Crucially, we do this without substantially increasing the bit complexity of the original coded blockchain protocol.
Published at 2023/05/15 21:35:58 (JST)
A Survey of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence for 6G Wireless Communications
The research on the sixth-generation (6G) wireless communications for the development of future mobile communication networks has been officially launched around the world. 6G networks face multifarious challenges, such as resource-constrained mobile devices, difficult wireless resource management, high complexity of heterogeneous network architectures, explosive computing and storage requirements, privacy and security threats. To address these challenges, deploying blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) in 6G networks may realize new breakthroughs in advancing network performances in terms of security, privacy, efficiency, cost, and more. In this paper, we provide a detailed survey of existing works on the application of blockchain and AI to 6G wireless communications. More specifically, we start with a brief overview of blockchain and AI. Then, we mainly review the recent advances in the fusion of blockchain and AI, and highlight the inevitable trend of deploying both blockchain and AI in wireless communications. Furthermore, we extensively explore integrating blockchain and AI for wireless communication systems, involving secure services and Internet of Things (IoT) smart applications. Particularly, some of the most talked-about key services based on blockchain and AI are introduced, such as spectrum management, computation allocation, content caching, and security and privacy. Moreover, we also focus on some important IoT smart applications supported by blockchain and AI, covering smart healthcare, smart transportation, smart grid, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). We also analyze the open issues and research challenges for the joint deployment of blockchain and AI in 6G wireless communications. Lastly, based on lots of existing meaningful works, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive survey of blockchain and AI in 6G networks.
Published at 2023/05/15 15:45:26 (JST)
Privacy-preserving Blockchain-enabled Parametric Insurance via Remote Sensing and IoT
Traditional Insurance, a popular approach of financial risk management, has suffered from the issues of high operational costs, opaqueness, inefficiency and a lack of trust. Recently, blockchain-enabled "parametric insurance" through authorized data sources (e.g., remote sensing and IoT) aims to overcome these issues by automating the underwriting and claim processes of insurance policies on a blockchain. However, the openness of blockchain platforms raises a concern of user privacy, as the private user data in insurance claims on a blockchain may be exposed to outsiders. In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving parametric insurance framework based on succinct zero-knowledge proofs (zk-SNARKs), whereby an insuree submits a zero-knowledge proof (without revealing any private data) for the validity of an insurance claim and the authenticity of its data sources to a blockchain for transparent verification. Moreover, we extend the recent zk-SNARKs to support robust privacy protection for multiple heterogeneous data sources and improve its efficiency to cut the incurred gas cost by 80%. As a proof-of-concept, we implemented a working prototype of bushfire parametric insurance on real-world blockchain platform Ethereum, and present extensive empirical evaluations.
Published at 2023/05/14 17:51:44 (JST)
Blockchain Transaction Fee Forecasting: A Comparison of Machine Learning Methods
Gasは、イーサリアムネットワークの取引料金計量システムです。ネットワークのユーザーは、取引と一緒に提出するガス価格を選択する必要があり、この選択において、過払いや取引の遅延/未処理のリスクが生じます。本研究では、ロンドン・ハードフォーク後のデータを調査し、このメジャーフォーク後のネットワークにおけるトランザクションのダイナミクスを明らかにする。そのため、本論文は、EthUSD BitUSDとガス価格の間のリンクに関する2019年以前の研究の更新を提供する。予測のために、Direct Recursive Hybrid LSTM、CNNLSTM、Attention LSTMといった機械学習手法の新しい組み合わせを比較します。これらをウェーブレット閾値ノイズ除去やマトリックスプロファイルデータ処理と組み合わせて、5分単位で複数のルックヘッドに渡るブロック最小ガス価格の予測に利用する。マトリクスプロファイルがガス価格データと予測に適用された最初の例として、本研究は、マトリクスプロファイルデータが注意ベースのモデルを強化できることを実証しているが、ハードウェアの制約を考えると、ハイブリッドモデルは注意とCNNLSTMモデルより優れている。入力のウェーブレットコヒーレンスは、ガス価格から基本無料の偏差である1日のタイムスケールで、複数の変数における相関を実証しています。直接回帰型ハイブリッドLSTMストラテジーは、他のモデルよりも優れている。ハイブリッドモデルは、20分先まで良好なパフォーマンスを示し、25分/50分先の予測では注目モデルに匹敵するパフォーマンスとなりました。様々な先読みの予測により、ユーザーはガス料金の選択や、取引が拒否されることを恐れずに取引を行うための最適なウィンドウについて、情報に基づいた決定を下すことができます。このことは、既存のレコメンダー、オラクル、予測アプローチ(単純なヒューリスティックや限られたルックアヘッドホライズンを提供)よりも、ガス価格のダイナミクスをより詳細に理解することにつながるのです。
Gas is the transaction-fee metering system of the Ethereum network. Users of the network are required to select a gas price for submission with their transaction, creating a risk of overpaying or delayed/unprocessed transactions in this selection. In this work, we investigate data in the aftermath of the London Hard Fork and shed insight into the transaction dynamics of the net-work after this major fork. As such, this paper provides an update on work previous to 2019 on the link between EthUSD BitUSD and gas price. For forecasting, we compare a novel combination of machine learning methods such as Direct Recursive Hybrid LSTM, CNNLSTM, and Attention LSTM. These are combined with wavelet threshold denoising and matrix profile data processing toward the forecasting of block minimum gas price, on a 5-min timescale, over multiple lookaheads. As the first application of the matrix profile being applied to gas price data and forecasting we are aware of, this study demonstrates that matrix profile data can enhance attention-based models however, given the hardware constraints, hybrid models outperformed attention and CNNLSTM models. The wavelet coherence of inputs demonstrates correlation in multiple variables on a 1 day timescale, which is a deviation of base free from gas price. A Direct-Recursive Hybrid LSTM strategy outperforms other models. Hybrid models have favourable performance up to a 20 min lookahead with performance being comparable to attention models when forecasting 25/50-min ahead. Forecasts over a range of lookaheads allow users to make an informed decision on gas price selection and the optimal window to submit their transaction in without fear of their transaction being rejected. This, in turn, gives more detailed insight into gas price dynamics than existing recommenders, oracles and forecasting approaches, which provide simple heuristics or limited lookahead horizons.
Published at 2023/05/17 00:40:18 (JST)
Secure compilation of rich smart contracts on poor UTXO blockchains
Most blockchain platforms from Ethereum onwards render smart contracts as stateful reactive objects that update their state and transfer crypto-assets in response to transactions. In this way, they support the development of contracts in the imperative procedural paradigm, familiar to most programmers. A drawback of this design choice is that when a user submits a transaction, they cannot predict in which state it will be executed, exposing them to transaction-ordering attacks. The UTXO model is an alternative blockchain design that thwarts these attacks by requiring new transactions to spend past ones: since transactions have unique identifiers, reordering attacks are ineffective. Currently, the blockchains following the UTXO model either provide contracts with limited expressiveness (Bitcoin), or require complex run-time environments and unfamiliar programming abstractions (Cardano). We present a framework for smart contracts in the UTXO model, that allows expressive contracts to be securely executed by bare-bone UTXO blockchains with loop-free scripts enriched with covenants, and supports the familiar procedural programming style.
Published at 2023/05/16 15:37:49 (JST)
インターネットと通信技術(ICT)の進歩により、インダストリー4.0という時代が到来しました。この変化に追随するように、医療業界ではHealthcare 4.0という言葉が生まれました。ヘルスケア4.0では、IoTに対応した医療用画像診断機器を用いて病気の早期発見を行うことで、医療従事者が医療機関のサービスの質を高めることができるようになりました。しかし、ヘルスケア4.0は、データのプライバシーに関する懸念から、他のインダストリー4.0と比較して、人工知能やビッグデータにおいてまだ遅れをとっています。また、医療機関のストレージやコンピューティング能力が多様であるため、医療機関が同じトレーニングモデル構造を取り入れることが制限されています。本論文では、ユーザーのプライバシーを侵害することなく、異種モデルが医療機関のデータから共同学習することを可能にする、ブロックチェーンを用いた安全なマルチパーティ計算ベースのアンサンブル連携学習について紹介する。また、ブロックチェーンの特性により、当事者は集中型サーバーを信頼することなくデータの完全性を享受できる一方、各医療機関には監査可能性とバージョン管理機能を提供する。
The advancement of Internet and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has led to the era of Industry 4.0. This shift is followed by healthcare industries creating the term Healthcare 4.0. In Healthcare 4.0, the use of IoT-enabled medical imaging devices for early disease detection has enabled medical practitioners to increase healthcare institutions' quality of service. However, Healthcare 4.0 is still lagging in Artificial Intelligence and big data compared to other Industry 4.0 due to data privacy concerns. In addition, institutions' diverse storage and computing capabilities restrict institutions from incorporating the same training model structure. This paper presents a secure multi-party computation-based ensemble federated learning with blockchain that enables heterogeneous models to collaboratively learn from healthcare institutions' data without violating users' privacy. Blockchain properties also allow the party to enjoy data integrity without trust in a centralized server while also providing each healthcare institution with auditability and version control capability.
Published at 2023/05/17 14:41:35 (JST)
Blockchain-enabled Parametric Solar Energy Insurance via Remote Sensing
Despite its popularity, the nature of solar energy is highly uncertain and weather dependent, affecting the business viability and investment of solar energy generation, especially for household users. To stabilize the income from solar energy generation, there have been limited traditional options, such as using energy storage to pool excessive solar energy in off-peak periods or financial derivatives from future markets to hedge energy prices. In this paper, we explore a novel idea of "parametric solar energy insurance", by which solar panel owners can insure their solar energy generation based on a verifiable geographically specific index (surface solar irradiation). Parametric solar energy insurance offers opportunities of financial subsidies for insufficient solar energy generation and amortizes the fluctuations of renewable energy generation geographically. Furthermore, we propose to leverage blockchain and remote sensing (satellite imagery) to provide a publicly verifiable platform for solar energy insurance, which not only automates the underwriting and claims of a solar energy insurance policy, but also improves its accountability and transparency. We utilize the state-of-the-art succinct zero-knowledge proofs (zk-SNARK) to realize privacy-preserving blockchain-based solar energy insurance on real-world permissionless blockchain platform Ethereum.
Published at 2023/05/23 02:31:27 (JST)
比較分析では、11のPoS(Proof-of-Stake)コンセンサスベースのブロックチェーン・ネットワークを調査し、5つの指標に基づいてその開放性を評価しました。これらの指標には、バリデーターの数や資本集中などの分散化関連の側面と、参入資本要件や経済ネットワークの安定性などの参加関連の側面が含まれます。これは、Proof-of-Stakeブロックチェーン・ネットワークの開放性を評価し、特徴付けるためのものです。分析の結果、開放性の高いネットワークにはSolanaとAvalancheが含まれ、BNB Chain、Klaytn、Polygonは開放性が低い状態で測定されました。比較分析によると、イーサリアムは参加者数とチェーン運営コストの点でネットワークの開放性で高いスコアを獲得しましたが、資本集中度とステーキング比率では比較的低いスコアを獲得しました。これは、流通供給量に対するステーキングされたイーサー(ETH)の比率が低く、リドなどのステーキングプールに大きなステーキングがあるためと思われます。KlaytnやPolygonのような許可制ブロックチェーンは開放度が限られており、より分散化された設定の許可制ブロックチェーン・アーキテクチャに移行する際には、開放度を考慮する必要があることが示唆されます。
The comparative analysis examined eleven Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus-based blockchain networks to assess their openness based on five indicative metrics. These metrics include those of decentralization-related aspects, such as the number of validators and capital concentration, and participation-related aspects, including entry capital requirements and economic network stability. This is to assess and characterize the openness of Proof-of-Stake blockchain networks. The analysis suggested that networks with higher openness included Solana and Avalanche, while BNB Chain, Klaytn, and Polygon measured with lower levels of openness. According to the comparative analysis, Ethereum scored high on network openness in terms of the number of participants and the cost of running the chain, but scored relatively low on capital concentration and staking ratio, which is likely due to the low ratio of staked ether (ETH) to circulating supply and the significant stakes in staking pools like Lido. Permissioned blockchains such as Klaytn and Polygon have limited openness, which suggests the need to take the level of openness into account when transitioning into a permissionless blockchain architecture with a more decentralized setting.
Published at 2023/05/23 14:21:53 (JST)
Achieving Maximum Efficiency in Schnorr-based Multi-signature and Applications in Blockchain
Multi-signature aggregates signatures from multiple users on the same message into a joint signature, which is widely applied in blockchain to reduce the percentage of signatures in blocks and improve the throughput of transactions. The $k$-sum attacks are one of the major challenges to design secure multi-signature schemes. In this work, we address $k$-sum attacks from a novel angle by defining a Public Third Party (PTP), which is an automatic process that can be verifiable by the public and restricts the signing phase from continuing until receiving commitments from all signers. Further, a two-round multi-signature scheme MEMS with PTP is proposed, which is secure based on discrete logarithm assumption in the random oracle model. As each signer communicates directly with the PTP instead of other co-signers, the total amount of communications is significantly reduced. In addition, as PTP participates in the computation of the aggregation and signing algorithms, the computation cost left for each signer and verifier remains the same as the basis Schnorr signature. To the best of our knowledge, this is the maximum efficiency that a Schnorr-based multi-signature scheme can achieve. Further, MEMS is applied in blockchain platform, e.g., Fabric, to improve the transaction efficiency.
Published at 2023/05/26 23:18:30 (JST)
A Location-based and Hierarchical Framework for Fast Consensus in Blockchain Networks
Blockchain-based IoT systems can manage IoT devices and achieve a high level of data integrity, security, and provenance. However, incorporating the existing consensus protocols in many IoT systems limits scalability and leads to high computational cost and network latency. We propose a hierar-chical and location-aware consensus protocol for IoI-blockchain applications inspired by the original Raft protocol to address these limitations. The proposed consensus protocol generates the consensus candidate groups based on nodes' individual reputation and distance information to elect the leader in each sub-layer blockchain and uses our threshold signature scheme to reach global consensus. Experimental results show that the proposed consensus protocol is scalable for large IoT applications and significantly reduces the communication cost, network latency, and agreement time by more than 50% compared with the Raft protocol for consensus processing.
Published at 2023/05/26 22:38:37 (JST)
コンセンサス・アルゴリズムはブロックチェーンにおいて重要な役割を果たし、その性能に直接影響を与えます。コンセンサス処理では、ノードは保留中のトランザクションを検証して新しいブロックに順序付ける必要があり、トランザクション内にカプセル化されたアプリケーション固有のデータを検証する必要があります。このため、コンセンサス・ノードに基礎データが公開され、プライバシーに関する懸念が生じます。既存のコンセンサスアルゴリズムは、アプリケーションのセキュリティとパフォーマンスの目標を実現することに重点を置いていますが、プライバシーバイデザインの特性が欠けていたり、リソースが重く、許可なしのブロックチェーンネットワークを保護することを目的としています。本論文では、許可制ブロックチェーンのためのゼロ知識およびクラッシュフォールトトレラントコンセンサスアルゴリズムであるP-CFTを提案します。提案するコンセンサスアルゴリズムは、クラッシュフォールトトレランスの保証を提供しながら、コンセンサス層に直接固有のデータプライバシーを提供します。Hyperledger Ursa暗号ライブラリを用いた実験を行い、その結果、プライバシー保護とクラッシュフォールトトレラント機能を必要とする既存の許可制ブロックチェーンシステムにP-CFTを統合することが期待できることがわかった。
Consensus algorithms play a critical role in blockchains and directly impact their performance. During consensus processing, nodes need to validate and order the pending transactions into a new block, which requires verifying the application-specific data encapsulated within a transaction. This exposes the underlying data to the consensus nodes, presenting privacy concerns. Existing consensus algorithms focus on realizing application security and performance goals, but lack privacy-by-design properties or are resource-heavy and intended for securing permissionless blockchain networks. In this paper, we propose P-CFT, a zero-knowledge and crash fault tolerant consensus algorithm for permissioned blockchains. The proposed consensus algorithm provides inherent data privacy directly to the consensus layer, while still providing guarantees of crash fault tolerance. We conduct experiments using the Hyperledger Ursa cryptographic library, and the results show promise for integrating P-CFT into existing permissioned blockchain systems requiring privacy-preserving and crash fault tolerant features.
Published at 2023/05/26 21:54:00 (JST)
分散型、改ざん防止型の台帳システムの採用は、さまざまな文脈で新たなアプリケーションと機会への道を開いています。多くの研究は、スケーラビリティ、プライバシー、ガバナンスの問題を改善することを目的としているが、相互運用性についてはあまり注目されていない。様々なブロックチェーンでトランザクションを実行することは、特に金融分野における新しいアプリケーションの可能性を引き出す上で重要であり、そうでなければその可能性は著しく低下してしまうでしょう。そのため、このような技術を様々な文脈で拡大し、さらに採用するためには、相互運用可能な台帳が不可欠である。 本論文では、信頼された実行環境(TEE)とブロックチェーンの組み合わせを使用して、独立した半中央集権CBDC台帳上での相互運用性を実現し、銀行間送金の原子性を保証するプロトコルを紹介します。私たちの相互運用性プロトコルは、アトミックスワッププロトコルのカスタム適応を使用し、任意のCBDCインスタンスのペアによって実行され、片方向の転送を実現します。このプロトコルは、アトミティ、検証可能性、正しさ、検閲耐性、プライバシーなどの特徴を保証し、CBDCインスタンスの数に関して高いスケーラビリティを提供する。(1)CBDCインスタンスは複数の国の中央銀行を表す、(2)CBDCインスタンスは小売銀行の集合と1つの国の最高位の中央銀行を表す。本論文では、プロトコルの詳細な説明と、その利点、特徴、安全性についての広範な分析を提供します。 本論文では、概念実証のための実装と部分的な評価を行ったが、より広範な評価は今後の研究で行う予定である。
The adoption of decentralized, tamper-proof ledger systems is paving the way for new applications and opportunities in different contexts. While most research aims to improve their scalability, privacy, and governance issues, interoperability has received less attention. Executing transactions across various blockchains is notably instrumental in unlocking the potential of novel applications, particularly in the financial sector, where their potential would otherwise be significantly diminished. Therefore, interoperable ledgers are crucial to ensure the expansion and further adoption of such a technology in various contexts. In this paper, we present a protocol that uses a combination of trusted execution environment (TEE) and blockchains to enable interoperability over independent semi-centralized CBDC ledgers, guaranteeing the atomicity of inter-bank transfers. Our interoperability protocol uses a custom adaptation of atomic swap protocol and is executed by any pair of CBDC instances to realize a one-way transfer. It ensures features such as atomicity, verifiability, correctness, censorship resistance, and privacy while offering high scalability in terms of the number of CBDC instances. Our approach enables to possible deployment scenarios that can be combined: (1) CBDC instances represent central banks of multiple countries, and (2) CBDC instances represent the set of retail banks and a paramount central bank of a single country. We provide a detailed description of our protocol as well as an extensive analysis of its benefits, features, and security. In this WIP paper, we made a proof-of-concept implementation and made a partial evaluation, while the more extensive evaluation will be made in our future work.
Published at 2023/05/26 21:37:55 (JST)
Argumentation Schemes for Blockchain Deanonymization
Cryptocurrency forensics became standard tools for law enforcement. Their basic idea is to deanonymise cryptocurrency transactions to identify the people behind them. Cryptocurrency deanonymisation techniques are often based on premises that largely remain implicit, especially in legal practice. On the one hand, this implicitness complicates investigations. On the other hand, it can have far-reaching consequences for the rights of those affected. Argumentation schemes could remedy this untenable situation by rendering underlying premises transparent. Additionally, they can aid in critically evaluating the probative value of any results obtained by cryptocurrency deanonymisation techniques. In the argumentation theory and AI community, argumentation schemes are influential as they state implicit premises for different types of arguments. Through their critical questions, they aid the argumentation participants in critically evaluating arguments. We specialise the notion of argumentation schemes to legal reasoning about cryptocurrency deanonymisation. Furthermore, we demonstrate the applicability of the resulting schemes through an exemplary real-world case. Ultimately, we envision that using our schemes in legal practice can solidify the evidential value of blockchain investigations as well as uncover and help address uncertainty in underlying premises - thus contributing to protect the rights of those affected by cryptocurrency forensics.
Published at 2023/05/26 21:20:07 (JST)
Platooning technologies enable trucks to drive cooperatively and automatically, which bring benefits including less fuel consumption, more road capacity and safety. In order to establish trust during dynamic platoon formation, ensure vehicular data integrity, and guard platoons against potential attackers, it is pivotal to verify any given vehicle's identity information before granting it access to join a platoon. To address this concern in dynamic truck platooning, we present a novel location-aware and privacy-preserving verification protocol based on zero-knowledge proof and permissioned blockchain. By performing the verification process within the spatially-local area defined by a given platoon, our system can provide lower latency and communication overhead compared to a location-agnostic blockchain system. We prototype the proposed system and perform benchmark tests on the Hyperledger platform. The experimental results show that our system is suitable for real-world truck platooning.
Published at 2023/05/26 18:17:07 (JST)
Incentive Attacks on DAG-Based Blockchains with Random Transaction Selection
Several blockchain consensus protocols proposed to use of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) to solve the limited processing throughput of traditional single-chain Proof-of-Work (PoW) blockchains. Many such protocols utilize a random transaction selection (RTS) strategy (e.g., PHANTOM, GHOSTDAG, SPECTRE, Inclusive, and Prism) to avoid transaction duplicates across parallel blocks in DAG and thus maximize the network throughput. However, previous research has not rigorously examined incentive-oriented greedy behaviors when transaction selection deviates from the protocol. In this work, we first perform a generic game-theoretic analysis abstracting several DAG-based blockchain protocols that use the RTS strategy, and we prove that such a strategy does not constitute a Nash equilibrium, which is contradictory to the proof in the Inclusive paper. Next, we develop a blockchain simulator that extends existing open-source tools to support multiple chains and explore incentive-based deviations from the protocol. We perform simulations with ten miners to confirm our conclusion from the game-theoretic analysis. The simulations confirm that greedy actors who do not follow the RTS strategy can profit more than honest miners and harm the processing throughput of the protocol because duplicate transactions are included in more than one block of different chains. We show that this effect is indirectly proportional to the network propagation delay. Finally, we show that greedy miners are incentivized to form a shared mining pool to increase their profits. This undermines the decentralization and degrades the design of the protocols in question. To further support our claims, we execute more complex experiments on a realistic Bitcoin-like network with more than 7000 nodes.
Published at 2023/05/29 01:35:01 (JST)
Analyzing Geospatial Distribution in Blockchains
Blockchains are decentralized; are they genuinely? We analyze blockchain decentralization's often-overlooked but quantifiable dimension: geospatial distribution of transaction processing. Blockchains bring with them the potential for geospatially distributed transaction processing. They enable validators from geospatially distant locations to partake in consensus protocols; we refer to them as minority validators. Based on our observations, in practice, most validators are often geographically concentrated in close proximity. Furthermore, we observed that minority validators tend not to meet the performance requirements, often misidentified as crash failures. Consequently, they are subject to punishment by jailing (removal from the validator set) and/or slashing (penalty in native tokens). Our emulations, under controlled conditions, demonstrate the same results, raising serious concerns about the potential for the geospatial centralization of validators. To address this, we developed a solution that easily integrates with consensus protocols, and we demonstrated its effectiveness.
Published at 2023/05/28 19:12:43 (JST)
A Hierarchical and Location-aware Consensus Protocol for IoT-Blockchain Applications
ブロックチェーンベースのIoTシステムは、IoTデバイスを管理し、高いレベルのデータの完全性、セキュリティ、および証明性を実現することができます。しかし、多くのIoTシステムに既存のコンセンサスプロトコルを組み込むと、拡張性が制限され、高い計算コストとコンセンサス待ち時間が発生する。さらに、多くのIoTアプリケーションのロケーションセントリックな特性と、IoTデバイスの限られたストレージとコンピューティングパワーの組み合わせは、主にブロックチェーンのロケーションにとらわれない設計のため、さらなる制限をもたらします。我々は、これらの制限に対処するために、オリジナルのRaftプロトコルに触発されたIoTブロックチェーンアプリケーションのための階層的かつ場所を考慮したコンセンサスプロトコル(LH-Raft)を提案します。提案するLH-Raftプロトコルは、各サブレイヤーブロックチェーンのリーダーを選出するために、ノードの評判と距離に基づいてローカルコンセンサス候補グループを形成します。また、グローバルコンセンサスを得るために閾値署名方式を利用し、ブロックチェーントランザクションの一貫性を保つためにローカルおよびグローバルログレプリケーションを利用します。LH-Raftの性能を評価するために、まず、提案された評価メカニズムと候補グループ形成モデルに基づく広範な数値解析を実施します。次に、LH-Raftの性能を従来のRaftプロトコルと理論・実験の両面から比較します。提案する閾値署名スキームをHyperledger Ursa暗号ライブラリを用いて評価し、様々なコンセンサスノードの署名と検証の時間を測定します。実験結果は、提案されたLH-Raftプロトコルが大規模なIoTアプリケーションに対してスケーラブルであり、コンセンサス処理にかかる通信コスト、コンセンサス遅延、合意時間を大幅に削減することを示しています。
Blockchain-based IoT systems can manage IoT devices and achieve a high level of data integrity, security, and provenance. However, incorporating existing consensus protocols in many IoT systems limits scalability and leads to high computational cost and consensus latency. In addition, location-centric characteristics of many IoT applications paired with limited storage and computing power of IoT devices bring about more limitations, primarily due to the location-agnostic designs in blockchains. We propose a hierarchical and location-aware consensus protocol (LH-Raft) for IoT-blockchain applications inspired by the original Raft protocol to address these limitations. The proposed LH-Raft protocol forms local consensus candidate groups based on nodes' reputation and distance to elect the leaders in each sub-layer blockchain. It utilizes a threshold signature scheme to reach global consensus and the local and global log replication to maintain consistency for blockchain transactions. To evaluate the performance of LH-Raft, we first conduct an extensive numerical analysis based on the proposed reputation mechanism and the candidate group formation model. We then compare the performance of LH-Raft against the classical Raft protocol from both theoretical and experimental perspectives. We evaluate the proposed threshold signature scheme using Hyperledger Ursa cryptography library to measure various consensus nodes' signing and verification time. Experimental results show that the proposed LH-Raft protocol is scalable for large IoT applications and significantly reduces the communication cost, consensus latency, and agreement time for consensus processing.
BFRT: リアルタイム交通流予測のためのブロックチェーン連携学習
Published at 2023/05/28 18:54:20 (JST)
BFRT: Blockchained Federated Learning for Real-time Traffic Flow Prediction
正確なリアルタイムの交通流予測は、交通渋滞とそれに伴う悪影響を緩和するために活用することができます。既存の集中型深層学習の方法論は、高い予測精度を実証していますが、交通データの機密性のため、プライバシーに関する懸念に悩まされています。さらに、連合学習を含む分散学習アプローチによる交通予測に関する新たな文献は、主にオフライン学習に焦点を当てています。本論文では、リアルタイムデータとエッジコンピューティングを用いたオンライン交通流予測のためのブロックチェーン連携学習アーキテクチャであるBFRTを提案する。提案するアプローチは、基礎となるデータのプライバシーを提供する一方で、Internet of Vehiclesのエッジでリアルタイムに分散型モデル学習を可能にする。GRUとLSTMのモデルを連携させ、動的に収集された動脈交通データシャードを用いた広範な実験を実施する。Hyperledger Fabric上で提案する許可制ブロックチェーンネットワークを試作し、エッジノードをシミュレートする仮想マシンを用いて大規模なテストを実施する。実験結果は、集中型モデルを凌駕し、プライバシー保護と分散型のリアルタイム交通流予測を容易にするための我々のアプローチの実現可能性を強調する。
Accurate real-time traffic flow prediction can be leveraged to relieve traffic congestion and associated negative impacts. The existing centralized deep learning methodologies have demonstrated high prediction accuracy, but suffer from privacy concerns due to the sensitive nature of transportation data. Moreover, the emerging literature on traffic prediction by distributed learning approaches, including federated learning, primarily focuses on offline learning. This paper proposes BFRT, a blockchained federated learning architecture for online traffic flow prediction using real-time data and edge computing. The proposed approach provides privacy for the underlying data, while enabling decentralized model training in real-time at the Internet of Vehicles edge. We federate GRU and LSTM models and conduct extensive experiments with dynamically collected arterial traffic data shards. We prototype the proposed permissioned blockchain network on Hyperledger Fabric and perform extensive tests using virtual machines to simulate the edge nodes. Experimental results outperform the centralized models, highlighting the feasibility of our approach for facilitating privacy-preserving and decentralized real-time traffic flow prediction.
Published at 2023/05/28 16:45:33 (JST)
Understanding Blockchain Governance: Analyzing Decentralized Voting to Amend DeFi Smart Contracts
スマートコントラクトは、ブロックチェーンの参加者の間で交わされる契約であり、互いに暗黙のうちに信頼し合うことはできません。スマートコントラクトはブロックチェーン上で動作するソフトウェアプログラムであり、私たちは時折スマートコントラクトを変更する必要があります(バグの修正や新しいユースケースに対応するため等々)。ガバナンス・プロトコルは、中央集権的な権限なしに、これらのスマート・コントラクトを修正または変更するための手段を定義するものです。このプロトコルは、スマートコントラクトの全ユーザーに意思決定権を分配します。ユーザーは、すべての変更の受け入れまたは拒否に投票します。この研究の焦点は、これらのプロトコルが、ブロックチェーンの基本的な信条である分散型ガバナンスを実際に確保できるかどうか、どのように、どの程度確保できるかを評価することである。この評価は、スマートコントラクトが、特に銀行や金融といった、重要で伝統的な中央集権的制度を変革し続ける中で、極めて重要である。 この研究では、広く使われているガバナンスプロトコルの1つであるCompoundをケーススタディとして、実際の分散型ガバナンスをレビューし、その特徴を明らかにします。Compoundでは、10人の投票者が57.86%の議決権を持つという、高い議決権の集中が見られることが明らかになった。プロトコルの変更・修正提案(あるいは、基本的にサポートするアプリケーション)は、平均して89.39%の賛成票を得るが、50%以上の票を得るには、3人以下の投票者が必要である。我々は、コンパウンドのガバナンス提案に対する投票が、小規模なトークン保有者にとって不当に高くつく可能性があることを示し、また、これらのユーザーをさらに疎外する可能性のある投票連合を発見しました。私たちは、再現可能な研究を支援するために、スクリプトとデータセットをGitHubで公開することを計画しています。
Smart contracts are contractual agreements between participants of a blockchain, who cannot implicitly trust one another. They are software programs that run on top of a blockchain, and we may need to change them from time to time (e.g., to fix bugs or address new use cases). Governance protocols define the means for amending or changing these smart contracts without any centralized authority. They distribute instead the decision-making power to every user of the smart contract: Users vote on accepting or rejecting every change. The focus of this work is to evaluate whether, how, and to what extent these protocols ensure decentralized governance, the fundamental tenet of blockchains, in practice. This evaluation is crucial as smart contracts continue to transform our key, traditional, centralized institutions, particularly banking and finance. In this work, we review and characterize decentralized governance in practice, using Compound -- one of the widely used governance protocols -- as a case study. We reveal a high concentration of voting power in Compound: 10 voters hold together 57.86% of the voting power. Although proposals to change or amend the protocol (or, essentially, the application they support) receive, on average, a substantial number of votes (i.e., 89.39%) in favor, they require fewer than three voters to obtain 50% or more votes. We show that voting on Compound governance proposals can be unfairly expensive for small token holders, and also discover voting coalitions that can further marginalize these users. We plan on publishing our scripts and data set on GitHub to support reproducible research.
Published at 2023/05/30 03:19:40 (JST)
パーミッションレス・ブロックチェーンは、単一のエンティティによる検閲に対して弾力的であることを約束します。これは、トランザクションがブロックチェーンに付加されるかどうかを決定するのは、第三者のアクターではなく、決定論的なルールであることを示唆しています。2022年、米国外国資産管理局(OFAC)はビットコインミキサーとイーサリアムアプリケーションを制裁し、パーミッションレスブロックチェーンの中立性が試されることになった。 本論文では、ブロックチェーンの検閲のセキュリティへの影響を形式的に定量化し、分析します。まず検閲の定義から始め、次に現在の検閲の実践を定量的に評価します。我々は、イーサリアムブロックの46%がOFAC制裁を遵守することを意図した検閲行為者によって作られていることを発見し、OFAC制裁がパブリックブロックチェーンの中立性に大きな影響を与えることを示しました。 さらに、検閲が中立性だけでなく、セキュリティにも影響を与えることを明らかにしました。イーサリアムがProof-of-Stake(PoS)に移行し、Proposer-Builder Separation(PBS)を採用した後、検閲された取引の取り込みが平均85%遅延したことを示します。取り込みの遅延は、例えばサンドイッチの敵対者を強化することにより、トランザクションの安全性を損なう。最後に、検閲に強いPoSおよびProof-of-Work(PoW)プロトコルの基本的な制限を証明します。
Permissionless blockchains promise to be resilient against censorship by a single entity. This suggests that deterministic rules, and not third-party actors, are responsible for deciding if a transaction is appended to the blockchain or not. In 2022, the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned a Bitcoin mixer and an Ethereum application, putting the neutrality of permissionless blockchains to the test. In this paper, we formalize quantify and analyze the security impact of blockchain censorship. We start by defining censorship, followed by a quantitative assessment of current censorship practices. We find that 46% of Ethereum blocks were made by censoring actors that intend to comply with OFAC sanctions, indicating the significant impact of OFAC sanctions on the neutrality of public blockchains. We further uncover that censorship not only impacts neutrality, but also security. We show how after Ethereum's move to Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and adoption of Proposer-Builder Separation (PBS) the inclusion of censored transactions was delayed by an average of 85%. Inclusion delays compromise a transaction's security by, e.g., strengthening a sandwich adversary. Finally we prove a fundamental limitation of PoS and Proof-of-Work (PoW) protocols against censorship resilience.