

アプリを新次元に導く3D Touch | try! Swift Tokyo 2017 #tryswiftconf Day1-4 聞き起こし

twitter.com In this talk, we’ll learn about what the 3D Touch APIs have to offer and best practices for using them. We’ll see what is provided out of the box and what customizations were added in iOS10. Throughout the talk, we’ll explore s…

SwiftのPointy Bits | try! Swift Tokyo 2017 #tryswiftconf Day1-3 聞き起こし

twitter.com Swift offers remarkable performance while still providing safety through strong types, value semantics, and automatic memory management. For those times when you need to step outside those boundaries, however, Swift also offers…

Swift on Android | try! Swift Tokyo 2017 #tryswiftconf Day1-2 聞き起こし

twitter.com This talk will give you a conceptual understanding of how Swift works on Android and how you can use it. The first part of the talk focuses on how to make Swift (just the core language) work on Android, including an introductio…

Swift開発者が知りたかったけど聞きにくい機械学習のすべて | try! Swift Tokyo 2017 #tryswiftconf Day1-1 聞き起こし

twitter.com The news says machine learning is the Next Big Thing. But machine learning is happening way over there, on servers, in universities and in big companies with big data. What is it really, and what does it mean for over here, on …